Saturday 8.26.17 WOD


Run 800 meters as a group.


Perform 1 Round of:
5 Pull-ups (whatever scaling option the athlete is using)
5 T2B or Knee Lifts
5 Burpees
5 Pistols each leg (or scaling option)


Teams of 2 (30min Cap)
For Time:
Run 800 Meters
100 Pull-ups
Run 800 Meters
100 Pistols
Run 800 Meters
100 Burpees
Run 800 Meters
100 T2B
Rx+:(C2B Pull-ups)
L2: (Band Assisted Pull-ups) (Walking Goblet Lunges for pistols) (Knee Raises)
L1: (Ring Rows) (Walking BW Lunges for pistols) (Knee Raises)
*1 Athlete works at a time
**Alt. Scaling Options:
Running: 1k Row or 3:00 Bike


WOD Notes