Wednesday 8.30.17 WOD


Labor Day Weekend Schedule
Monday September 4, 2017
8:30am (babysitting available)
9:30am (babysitting available)

The Main Line CrossFit Ardmore, The Main Line CrossFit Wayne – W.O.D.


Dynamic Line Warm-up


Coach Led Burgener Warm-up w/ PVC

*5 reps of each


Coach Led w. barbell

5 Hang Muscle Snatch

5 Snatch Grip Push Press behind neck

5 Snatches from below knee

Hang Power Snatch (Every 90sec. 5×3 @75% below knee)

– Add 5-10#s from last week

– Intermediate: Light for all sets

– Beginner: Snatch Grip Push Press, 5 x 5 at a moderate weight for all sets.


Metcon Warm Up: Coach led 2×10 burpees rest 60sec. between rounds

G.I. Jane (Time)

For Time:

100 Burpee Pull-Ups
**12min time cap

Beginner Metcon: AMRAP 7: Burpees

$ Out

Ring Rows w. 1 count pause at top: Accumulate 40 Reps