Squat Snatch 6×4
–2min reset–
Front Squat 6×4
4 Rounds
9 Deadlifts (Rx 225,155)
12 T2B
15 Box Overs (Rx 24,20)
2min rest b/t rounds
*Score = fastest split
Rx+:(add 6 Strict HSPU per rd) (275,185)
L3: (185,125)
L2: (155,105) (Knee Lifts) (20,14)
L1: (135, 95) (Knee Lifts) (20,14 Alt. Step-ups)
Intent: Unbroken DLs, T2B in 2 sets, start slow and speed up each round
9 Deadlifts (Rx 225,155)
12 T2B
15 Box Overs (Rx 24,20)
2min rest b/t rounds
*Score = fastest split
Rx+:(add 6 Strict HSPU per rd) (275,185)
L3: (185,125)
L2: (155,105) (Knee Lifts) (20,14)
L1: (135, 95) (Knee Lifts) (20,14 Alt. Step-ups)
Intent: Unbroken DLs, T2B in 2 sets, start slow and speed up each round
$ Out
100 Banded Leg Curls
100 Standing banded AB Crunches
100 Standing banded AB Crunches