Friday 10.27.17 WOD


Front Squat (9×2 @ 75%, every 60s)
Intent: Speed Front Squats, shoot for 80% clean 1RM

Metcon Prep

‘Coach Led’
6min EMOM to warm up for metcon
Min 1. x3-5 Squat Clean Thruster
Min 2. x3-5 Pull-up Set-up/Warm-up
Intent: Prime CNS for the metcon. Efforts should NOT take away from the metcon. All sets should be smooth.


“Jack & Fran”
3 Rounds
250m Row
15 Thrusters (95,65)
15 C2B
Rx+:(75,55) (Pull-ups)
L2: (35,25) (Band Assisted Pull-ups)
L1: (25,15) (Ring Rows)
– Alt. Scaling Options:
– 250m Row = 200m Run

Intent: This workout is a combo of ‘Jackie’ & ‘Fran’. Although a combo the pace should not reflect that of either workout. Use row as active recovery and complete pullups & thrusters in large sets

$ Out

1) Barbell RDL 4×8
*Work up to a challenging load
2) Banded Ab Pulldown + Banded Pull-Through 75 reps of each
*Alt. when resting