Saturday 11.4.17 WOD

RowVember Starts Wednesday 11.8.17
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30min AMRAP
Teams of 2
1 Rope Climb
200 Meter Run
10 KBS (70,55)
*One athlete completes a full round at a time.
Rx+:(Legless Rope Climbs)
L3: (55,35)
L2: (5 Strict Pull-ups)(45,25)
L1: (7 Ring Rows) (100 meter run)(35,25 Russian Swing)
100m = 1 rep

Intent: Each round should take roughly 2:00 to complete allowing athletes enough of a rest interval to sustain an 80-85% effort for the duration. KB weight choices should be heavier today, but still be able to be completed UB.

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6min AMRAP
30 Shoulder Taps (total)
20 Alternating DB Curls
10 Straight Leg Raises