RowVember Starts Wednesday 11.8.17
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Weekly CASH prizes and a chance to win a new Concept 2 Rower
Power Clean+ Front Squat + Jerk 6×1 every 90s
Intent: If comfortable work with ascending loads otherwise focus on improving movement patterns.
10min AMRAP
Teams of 2
5 Burpees
10 S20H (115,75)
15 Air Squats
– Rest 1min-
10min AMRAP
Max 150 Meter Row Sprints
** One Athlete completes a full round or 150m at a time.
Score total full rounds + total 150m sprints completed
*Scale weight as needed
Teams of 2
5 Burpees
10 S20H (115,75)
15 Air Squats
– Rest 1min-
10min AMRAP
Max 150 Meter Row Sprints
** One Athlete completes a full round or 150m at a time.
Score total full rounds + total 150m sprints completed
*Scale weight as needed
Intent: Similar to Saturday’s Metcon where one athlete completes a full round. We are looking for consistent, but higher level of output for the entire 10 minutes.
$ Out
1-2 Accessory Movements that athletes missed from “extra credit during the week