Monday 11.6.17 WOD

RowVember Starts Wednesday 11.8.17
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Clean Grip Deadlift 3RM TNG
*Begginner, 5×5 adding if form permits
Intent: Working up to a challenging triple for the touch n go deadlift. Use a clean grip/hook grip. The goal is to work up to 80-85% or a challenging set of 3.


“Short + Sweet”
3 Rounds
10 Power Cleans (135,95)
20 Double KB Walking OH Lunges (55s,35s)
L3: (115,75) (35s,25s)
L2: (95,65) (Weighted walking lunges)
L1: (65,35) (BW Lunges)
Beginner: Clean Grip Deadlifts in place of Power Cleans (135,95)

Intent: This workout today will challenge for all athletes across the board. Cleans are intended to be done in sets of 5/5 or fast singles and lunges in 2 sets or less. Many Athletes may need to scale the loading for the walking OH Lunges if their mobility does not permit.

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3 Rounds
10 Rear Foot Elevated KB Split Squats (5 each)
15 Banded Resisted Russian Swings
20 Hollow Rocks