RowVember WOD #2
Wednesday 11.15.17
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10min EMOM
ODDs: x4 Back Squats @ 75%
EVENs: 10 Ring Rows
Intent: Ring Rows & Back Squats should be for speed with perfect form.
EVENs: 10 Ring Rows
Intent: Ring Rows & Back Squats should be for speed with perfect form.
5 Rounds
40 Yard Sledpush (Moderate Weight)
Rest 60s b/t rounds
5 Rounds
40 Yard Front Rack Carry (55s,35s)
Rest 60s b/t rounds
5 Rounds
40 Yard Sledpush (empty Sled)
Rest 60s b/t rounds
40 Yard Sledpush (Moderate Weight)
Rest 60s b/t rounds
5 Rounds
40 Yard Front Rack Carry (55s,35s)
Rest 60s b/t rounds
5 Rounds
40 Yard Sledpush (empty Sled)
Rest 60s b/t rounds
Intent: Challenge yourself with the effort in which you push the sled each set. If needed you can increase the rest interval if you feel like your output is dropping too much.
$ Out
100 Banded Leg Curls each
100 Banded Hip Flexor Pulls (total)
100 Banded Hip Flexor Pulls (total)