Monday 11.27.17 CrossFit

RowVember starts Wed. 11.8.17
Weekly Ca$h prizes & chance to win new concept2 rower!
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1) Power Snatch + Overhead Squat (every 2min, 4×2+2, building)
Intent: The focus today is completing all work with perfect technique. Athletes should not underestimate the value in these days, despite their ‘sexiness”.
2a) Sumo RDL
In 90s 4 x 8, building2b) Goblet Lunges
In 90s, 3×8 ea.3) Farmer Carry
Accumulate 300 meters (70,55)


4 Rounds
60yd, sled pull backwards (heavy)
15 Russian KB Swings (70,55)
15 Goblet Squats(70,55)
Intent: Today is a great opportunity to not worry about performing a Metcon, but keep in mind the sled-work has a conditioning effect.

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100 Double Leg Heavy Banded Leg Curls