2017 Athlete of the year nominees

Congratulations to the 2017 Athlete of the year nominees!

Step 1: Watch the nominee of the year 3 minute interviews
Step 2: Place your vote to help the nominee win
Step 3: Share with your friends
Step 4: Athlete of the year announced December 27, 2017

Most Votes wins 1 free year of CrossFit + 12 months to give away!

Share with your friends. Members and Non-members welcome to vote

Nominees were chosen by the Coaching staff for being a daily representation of the companies core values and what it means to be a ‘Rock Star CrossFitter’ on a consistent bases. 

Each nominee had 3 minutes to share their journey and win your vote. 

Click To Vote

Mike Worth

Gopi Patel

Diane Werder

Ali Glickman

Amy Jones

Curt Nelson