CrossFit Main Line Programming Breakdown for January 2018
Click Here to access January 2018 Programming
The first of the year is here, and during the month of January we will devote more time to the Olympic lifts. We’ll begin the first of the month with a ‘strength only’ day that includes the clean & jerk and the back squat.
Don’t worry….If you can’t make it in on the first, you can still complete the first 2 week strength wave by using ‘relative percentages’. The intent for these first two weeks is technique, proficiency and developing speed strength.
Pay attention to the percentages programmed. They are backed by scientific data (the Prilipins Chart), and the percentages will shift per lift and per week.
As we get closer to the first workout of the 2018 CrossFit Open on February 22, Aerobic power will continue to be our focus. Aerobic power work aims to improve sustainable output. Staying out of the anaerobic threshold (90+ of your max heart rate), will help speed recovery.
Increasing aerobic power output is the key to success when optimal pacing is vital, like in CrossFit Open workouts. It is also a good predictor of how fast you can replenish your ATP for for higher output movements like 1-rep max lifts.
As we continue to practice pacing and prepare for the CrossFit Open, January will see three past Open workouts (17.4,14.1,13.4) as well as classic benchmarks (Fran, Filthy 50).
January Benchmarks
Max Effort Lower
1) Clean + Jerk: 1RM (any style)
2) Back Squat: 1RM
3) Goodmorning (5 x 5)
4) Squat Clean Thruster (Sub-maximal Warm-up for Metcon)
5) Sumo Deadlift (3 x 1 @80%, 3 x 1 @85% on Dynamic Effort Day after speed work)
Max Effort Upper
1) Close Grip Bench Press Clusters: 5 x 2.2.2 (10s)
2) Push Press: 1RM
3) Rope Climb/HSPU Superset
Dynamic Effort Lower
1) Squat Clean + Jerk x 2 weeks
2) Sumo Speed Deadlift
Dynamic Effort Upper
1) 3-Position Snatch x 2 weeks
Conditioning Benchmarks
1) Tabata Something Else
2) Open WOD 17.4
3) Zoro
4) Filthy Fifty
5) Open WOD 14.1
6) Open WOD 13.4
7) Fran
8) 100s with a partner
9) Fight Club (Last done 10/23/2017)