Monday 1.8.18 CrossFit


1) Good Mornings 5 x 5
Intent: Work up to a challenging set of 5, but with perfect form Goodmorning. This not a movement we do regularly with a BB so be conservative with weight choices.
2) Squat Clean
5min EMOM, build to metcon weight, no score


In a 5:00 Window:
Row 750 Meters
Remaining time: Squat Cleans (155,105)
Rest 5:00 + Repeat
Rx: (135,95)
L2: (115,75)
L1: (95,65)
Score = total squat cleans

Intent: We are looking for AMRAP 1/AMRAP 2 to be close in score. Loading should be slightly heavier today. Record total squat cleans completed today for your score.

$ Out

4 Rounds
15 Banded Pull-throughs
15 Straight Leg Sit-ups