Squat Clean Thruster 1×1
Intent: Shoot for 80% of your 1RM clean and jerk if known
Metcon Prep
5min EMOM
3-5 reps Athlete choice pull-up variation: butterfly, kipping, band assisted
3-5 reps Athlete choice pull-up variation: butterfly, kipping, band assisted
Thrusters, 95# / 65#
Thrusters, 95# / 65#
Intent: We would rather you overscale today and move faster as opposed to going slower. This workout is intended to be highly anaerobic so scaling needs to be on point. Most athletes underestimate how fast their pull-ups fail.
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Foam Roll Quads x 60s each
100 Banded Ab Pulldows
100 Banded Ab Pulldows