2018 Focus Group Wrap Up and Road Map


And we want to send a HUGH thank you to the 100+ Athletes that participated in our 2018 Focus Groups to help steer CFML in a direction that you value most.

Some of the changes have already started taking place while others roll out in the coming months.

Right away you’ll see changes to how CFML approaches The CrossFit Open, additional community events that you value and improvement to programming, class structure and how the Coaches occurs in your class.

A shortened list is below if you want to dive in more!

Thank you again for sharing your genius and creating a place you highly value.

– Daniel & Merrilee

  • Adding 10x more value to your CrossFit workouts by…
    • increasing time spent on strength
    • communicating the intent of the workouts in a way that resonates
    • Coach led cool downs
    • Additional classic strength rep maxes and metcons like deadlifts, back squats, Grace and Hero WODs
    • And, adding alternative movements that are considered Rx to accommodate larger classes
  • Increasing your Coaching experience by…
    • Coaching to 1 correction/improvement and having the Athlete focus on it
    • Demoing all modifications and asking if anyone is in need of additional alternatives
    • A consistent rotation of Coaches, giving different perspectives
    • And, push Athletes to improve everyday; completing full range of motion, lifting more weight to increase intensity
  • Improving your experience by keeping schedules flexible but having…
    • The Coach set the expectation clearly if we need to share equipment
    • Ask me if I prefer my own dedicated space and equipment during busy classes
    • Looking more into additional class times; weekday mid morning, weekend mid afternoon
    • And, structured open gym times including 30min before class times
  • Identifying progress through regularly scheduled evaluations and goal setting by…
    • In house nutrition guidance 
    • Quarterly fitness and body analysis evaluations during class times
    • Defining goals and a path to success, with your Coach following up
  • Additional community events and challenges that will encourage involvement
    • First Friday Happy Hours!
    • Inner Box competitions
    • And, quarterly clinics surrounding that months skill focus