The 2018 CrossFit Open is quickly approaching. It is the first step in a worldwide competition toward reaching the CrossFit Games and being crowned the “Fittest on Earth”. Each week beginning February 22nd, CrossFit HQ will release a workout online to be completed by the following Monday, for five consecutive weeks. Signing up for the Open is optional, but a fun way to test yourself. We’ll do the Open workouts every Friday in classes and as an option on Sundays.
This year we’ve decided to do one BIG Friday Night Lights celebration and BLOW IT OUT for 18.5 on March 23rd. We’ll have pizza, beer, lots of fun sponsors and each team will have their very own heat. You won’t want to miss a chance to cheer your lungs out for those guys. Make sure to mark your calendars now!
Over the coming five weeks of competition, our programming schedule will be structured to set everyone up for success. Once the Open is underway, we’ll follow the same weekly schedule, with the goal of maximizing our potential in each workout. Here’s what it looks like:

Thursday is typically a recovery day fro those of use that workout 4+ times per week. If you are participating in the Open we want to encourage you to attend on Thursday and use the workout programmed as a“pregame” that feels like a general warm-up. We won’t do anything that will create any sort of soreness or heavy breathing. Think of it like an active recovery day; the goal is to leave the gym feeling better than when we came in. We want to get the body moving, break a little sweat, mobilize, and then—shut it down. We want to leave the gym chomping at the bit to do a workout.
On Fridays, we hit the workout. This is not a dry run—we’re going to hit it hard. That’s the mindset you should have: one and done. Now, if you’re trying to hit a specific goal on the leader board it’s common that you will retest on Sunday. But you can’t go into it the first time thinking, If this doesn’t go well I’ll just redo it. We don’t know how we will feel over the weekend, and we don’t even know if our schedules will allow for a re-test. And if we truly don’t go full-speed into this workout, we don’t know how it truly feels. Best to move into Fridays as though Sundays didn’t exist.
Saturdays will be lower-impact fitness. There will be a lighter metcon programmed after, designed to preserve capacity without breaking the body down. If there are specific standards or skills in the Open announcement that we can refine in preparation for a re-attempt, this is the day to do so. For example: Practicing clearing the HSPU tape line with toes pointing down, or cycling a dumbbell in the air.
Sunday is re-test day. If you want to do your absolute best in the Open, you should absolutely attack it again on Sunday. Most of us have spent a year preparing for these workouts, and we want to leave no doubt that our score represents our best effort. It’s a win-win: We will almost always do better on Sunday during a retest, and we get fitter by doing the workout on Friday.
Sunday is our re-test day. If we can benefit from movement-specific mobility work, this is the day for it.
On Monday and Wednesday we try to get back to the business of fitness. We’ll get in a good metcon sweat here. Knowing that we’ll back off a bit on Thursday in preparation to go hard on Friday.
Monday & Wednesday becomes our main fitness day during Open season.
Tuesday & Thursday will be programmed fitness, but to a lesser degree than Monday & Wednesday. These will be beefy active recovery days, where we get fitter, without excessive strain on the body.
Best of luck to everyone next week, make us proud!