Partner Up!
Valentines Day WOD & Party
“The Break Up”
Teams of 2
Shoulder to Overhead (95,65)
**Each Athlete will have their own barbell and will work at the same time. EMOM both Athletes will complete the given reps in the ladder.
**Score lowest rounds + reps
Shoulder to Overhead (95,65)
**Each Athlete will have their own barbell and will work at the same time. EMOM both Athletes will complete the given reps in the ladder.
**Score lowest rounds + reps
– Rest 3min from completion of WOD 1 –
“The Make Up”
Teams of 2
12 Rounds
5 Power Cleans (135, 95)
10 Pull Ups
20 Dubs (x1)
**Partners rotate after completing a full round
12 Rounds
5 Power Cleans (135, 95)
10 Pull Ups
20 Dubs (x1)
**Partners rotate after completing a full round
*Last complete 2.11.17
$ Out
1a) Seated Banded Upright Rows: 4×10
1b) Abs with a plate switch: 4x10s Max Reps
1b) Abs with a plate switch: 4x10s Max Reps