Tuesday 2.27.18 XFit Juniors


“I am building a wod…” – 8 to 10 minutes-
Athlete 1- picks an exercise, everyone does 1 rep
Athlete 2- picks an exercise, everyone does 2 reps, then athlete 1s
Athlete 3- picks an exercise, everyone does 3 reps, then athlete 2s, then athlete 1s
Keep going until everyone has picked an exercise!


Hanstand Walk
minute 1- around the world on box x3
minute 2- wall walk x 2
minutre 3- lateral wall walk 20 feet x 1
repeat for a total of 3 rds at each station


“Farmer carry Relay” – 13 TO 15 Minutes-
Set up 5 cones
1- start cone
2 – 15 lb plates
3- 25 lb plates
4- 35 lb plates
5- end cone
The athletes will be in 2 lines
The coach will say go and they will proceed to the first cone
They will deadlift the kb and bring to the 2nd cone
They will put kb down and deadlift the next kb and proceed to the next cone
They will put the kb down and deadlift the next kb and proceed to the final cone.
They will then turn around and bring kb back.
Put the kb down and deadlift the 25 lb kb and proceed to next cone
Put the 25 lb kb down, and deadlift the 15 lb kb and proceed to next cone.
Put the 15 lb kb down, and go to start cone, tag next athlete and they will go


With a partner, complete
Kb deadlifts
In between each round, partners will side shuffle passing a med ball between them