18.2 or Optional WOD
[CROSSFIT] Winter Storm Riley Update
Sat. 3.3.18 as of 8:25am
WAYNE: No electricity. 7:30 & 8:30 class cancelled. 9:30 pending electricity
ARDMORE: All classes on schedule, we have electricity.
Crossfit Games Open “18.2”
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 reps
for time of:
Dumbbell squats 50/35 lb
Bar-facing burpees
-12 minute time cap
– If you finish under the time cap, use remaining time to complete 18.2a
– If you don’t finish before the time cap, add 1 second for every rep you don’t complete before the time cap
Intent: Open WOD 18.2 is about pacing and managing your heart-rate. There are 55 total reps of each movement which is a volume count we’ve been exposed to many times. Having a plan that allows you to get to the max clean attempt is important and will be a huge separator. Start around 80% of max effort and adjust your pace from there.
Optional WOD
AMRAP 12 w. a partner:
3 Power Snatch (135,95)
6 Push-ups
9 Air Squats
– Rest 2:00 –
3 Push Press (135,95)
6 C2B
9 Ball Slams
*One athlete completes a full round at a time
L2/L1: (95,65) (Snake-ups) (BA Pull-ups)
Score = Rounds + Reps (18reps = 1 round)
3 Power Snatch (135,95)
6 Push-ups
9 Air Squats
– Rest 2:00 –
3 Push Press (135,95)
6 C2B
9 Ball Slams
*One athlete completes a full round at a time
L2/L1: (95,65) (Snake-ups) (BA Pull-ups)
Score = Rounds + Reps (18reps = 1 round)
Intent: The rounds are short so going harder than 80-85% will likely cause you to redline and have a bad workout. Pacing should be around 75-80%. If you’re sore from 18.2 have fun and just worry about perfect movement. Today is a good day to go a little heavier with barbell movements.