CrossFit Main Line
Weekly Programing Breakdown
4.16.18 – 4.22.18
Max Effort Lower: Power Snatch Clusters, Heavy Set of Back Squats for a double on Thursday
Repetition Effort Upper: DB Neutral Grip Floor Press, Double DB Bentover Rows, Banded Pulldowns Giant Set. Friday: Rope Climb, Handstand Push-up and Accessory Work Day.
Dynamic Effort Work: Speed Back Squat + Heavy Set of 2
Dynamic Effort Upper: N/A
High-Threshold: Monday, “Isabel” and Thursday
Moderate Intensity: Tuesday, “Helen” and Wednesday
GPP Based: Friday
Partner Saturday
Saturday: “Fight Gone Bad”
Wednesday: Pull-up Skill Session
Thursday’s workout is a “alactic/lactic conditioning” piece meaning the first 10s of work should be maximal output while the last 10s of productivity will drop slightly. These sets of squat cleans should be fast singles or touch n go. You should need that entire 2 minutes to recover (most people could benefit from 3 minutes of rest). Athletes should use a load that will challenge them to complete 4-5 reps in that 20s interval.
Friday is technically a “strength only day” with a finisher. This accessory work should be challenging but you need to really feel the correct muscle-groups working, so shoot for quality over quantity. This day is also good for a change of pace.
Saturday is NOT a partner workout to change things up, but this is a benchmark piece that you’ll see again in 4-6 months.
Don’t forget to include “extra credit” work. This work will be the game-changer for you. Accessory work makes the dream work! Encourage each other to hang out for 5 minutes and get this work done. You’ll be rewarded later!
Athletes & Coaches, I challenge you to step your game up this week by reading at least 1 article a day (does not need to be one linked). Check out elitefts.com (they have over 1 million articles). Also, during the whiteboard brief pay attention as the Coaches add in extra points for both the strength and conditioning that convey the “why” of our training! Athletes, be ready to be coached this week!
Have a great week!