Box Brief:
CrossFit at Athleta 4.21
Wayne Endurance Bring a Friend Week 4.23- 4.30
1a) Barbell Row (Supinated, 3×10 build to moderate unbroken set)
1b) Barbell Shrugs 3×10
Use same weight as BB row
1c) Hollow Hold 30s
Complete as EMOM
Use same weight as BB row
1c) Hollow Hold 30s
Complete as EMOM
300m Unilateral KB Carry (55,35)
Accumulate 50′ of Seated Legless Rope Climbs
50 Deficit HSPU (4″,2″)
300m Unilateral KB Carry (55,35)
*Use only your weakest arm for the carry
– 25min time cap –
Rx: (55,35)(use legs)(no deficit)
L2: (35,25)(accumulate 30′)(30 HSPU, 1 AbMat)
L1: (25,15)(technique+4 10-15′ climbs)(DB shoulder press)
Accumulate 50′ of Seated Legless Rope Climbs
50 Deficit HSPU (4″,2″)
300m Unilateral KB Carry (55,35)
*Use only your weakest arm for the carry
– 25min time cap –
Rx: (55,35)(use legs)(no deficit)
L2: (35,25)(accumulate 30′)(30 HSPU, 1 AbMat)
L1: (25,15)(technique+4 10-15′ climbs)(DB shoulder press)
Intent: Today is intended to be a strength repetition effort session for the upper-body followed by a mix of repetition and gymnastics/accessory work for the upper-body. Have fun today and attempt some handstand push-ups if you never have.