Monday 4.23.18 CrossFit

Box Brief:
Wayne Endurance Bring a Friend Week 4.23- 4.30


Front Squat (FS Wave, Every 2min 3-2-1-3-2-1 )
Intent: The purpose of using a “wave” is to prime the CNS for heavier sets. Use the first wave of 3-2-1 to prepare you for the last wave of 3-2-1 which should be heavier.

Metcon Prep

3 Rounds Game Speed
2 TNG Power Cleans
4 Burpees
6 Air Squats
— Coach Call Every 3min —


“The Chief”
Max rounds in 3 minutes of:
3 Power Cleans, 135#/95#
6 Push-ups
9 Squats
Rest 1-minute.
Repeat for a total of 5 cycles

*Last done 12/4/17
Intent:  Benchmark workout. Each interval should remain around 80-85% of max effort. Come up with a strategy to sustain for your 3 minute amraps to be consistent for all 5 sets.