Tuesday 5.8.18 CrossFit

Box Brief:
• Mom WOD 5.13 All Class Times!


1a) Strict C2B Chin-ups: 4×5
1b) DB Single Arm Bench Press: 4x6ea AHAP

Intent: Strict C2B Chin-ups today are intended to be done with BW only. The extra range of motion will challenge you more than you think. If needed use partner assistance and perform chin over bar chin-ups


Min 1: 40s Max KB Snatch (55,35)(20s each arm)
Min 2: 40s Max Goblet Squats (55,35)
Min 3: 40s Max Barbell Rows (135,95)
Min 4: 40s Max KB SDHP (55,35)
Minute 5: 60s of Single Unders (recovery) or 60s Bike
*Score = total reps (not counting single unders
L2: (45,25)(115,75)(45,25)
L1: (35,25)(95,65)(35,35)
*no RX+ option today
Intent: The goal today is to work for 40s straight with minimal rest. KB snatches are a new movement so focus on quality over quantity.


1a) Zottaman Curls 3×8
1b) Tricep Kickback 3×12
2) Standing Banded Rotations 3x10ea.