CrossFit Main Line
Weekly Programing Breakdown
4.21.18 – 4.28.18
You’ve probably noticed that this breakdown is for the next eight days, considering next week starts off with the US Holiday Memorial Day, during which we will be running “Murph”. The week starts off with two strength benchmarks: the clean and jerk and the back squat. The goal is hit a 5# PR and then assess from there. Overall, you need to have a plan of how the sets will look in terms of loading.
We then proceed into two new benchmarks. With “New Workout Plan,” its placement is intended to be a prelude to “Murph”, as managing fatigue with higher volume gymnastics is the goal. Additionally, “Gameday” is a barbell benchmark that involves high-threshold of work with a longer rest interval in between segments.
Wednesday’s workout this week is much like last week on purpose (lower intensity/demand). This is to allow for recovery mid-week, especially considering we had three Benchmark pieces in the last 48 hours.
Max Effort Lower: Clean and Jerk (last done 1/1/2018), Back Squat (last done 1/1/2018)
Repetition Effort Upper:Close Grip Bench, Press Barbell Curls
Dynamic Effort Lower:Week 2 of Box Squats
Dynamic Effort Upper:Week 1 of Speed Push Press
New Workout Plan (New)
Strict Lynn (New)
Gameday (New)
Murph (last done Memorial Day 2017)
With the school year coming to an end and parent/teacher/student events seeming never ending remember that high levels of stress can overtrain much easier than athletes with low levels of stress. Make sure you keep us up to date if you are feeling run down as it will affect your long term success. Recommending best courses of action like more recovery based days or rest days will do wonders.