Box Brief:
Summer Schedule is Live
Register for Kids Summer Strength & Conditioning
Complete For Total Time
10 Rounds:
200m Run
10 Alternating DB Snatch (5/Arm)*Rest 2:00
10 Rounds:
200m Run
10 Alternating DB Snatch (5/Arm)*Rest 2:00
5 Rounds:
200 m row
20 Single Arm DB Push Press (10L+10R)
*Rest 2:00
For Time:
100 Hollow Rocks
35min total time cap
Long grinder to start the week. The first workout should be a consistent high effort, really try to limits transition time and don’t put that DB down. The second workout will be a little more dialed down. The Row pace should be dictated by what you need in order to keep those DB reps unbroken. Core blast to close it out!