CrossFit Main Line
Weekly Programing Breakdown
6.11.18 – 6.17.18
Max Effort:
• Sumo Deadlift against a band: 1RM. *First time done, but we performed off 2” plates on 4/30.
To read more about why we are using accommodating resistance for max effort movements check the related articles below
Dynamic Effort
• Power Clean + Front Squat + Jerk (continued from last week)
• Floor Press (continued from last week)
Mr. Clean (last done 2/2)
Quick & Dirty
GPP: OH KB Carry max distance in 5 minutes. Last done 4/20
This week includes some great testing couplets that you will see again. Two of these pieces (Monday/ Thursday) are similar in terms of demand and loading whereas the third couplet is quite different and will most likely be underestimated due to its low loading (Rx weight is 75#). Additionally, we’ll conclude our T2B skill work with a testing set of max reps, as well as add some work with the handstand push-up.
Systematized CrossFit Box Programming
The “Why” Behind Bands and Chains
- Sumo Deadlift with a band
- Banded Face Pull-aparts
- Floor Press
- Bent-over rear delt raises
*Check the rest of the accessory movements and make sure you familiarize yourself with anything you’re not comfortable with
Educating our Athletes is one of the most important things we do. Our Coaches and staff spend countless hours ensuring each class is the best hour of your day. Retaining the information is more important than just hearing it. Give us 5min of your time during the movement demo to make a difference in your approach.