Wednesday 6.20.18 Endurance

Box Brief:
Kids Summer Strength & Conditioning Starts
6/23-6/24 Bring A Friend Weekend 6/23 Wayne & 6/24 Ardmore Quarterly Scans and Baseline


25 Min Amrap
500m Run
40 Air Squats
30 Single Arm DB Push Press (15L+15R)
20 lat raises
10 burpees
*Rest 2:00 Between Rounds

10 Min Amrap

30 sec plank
30 sec side plank L
30 sec side plank R
30 sec Superman hold

Grind Time! Tough workout, the trick movement here will be the Push Press. They seem simple and harmless but as you blow through them fast and unbroken you tend to forget to breathe and all of a sudden your heart rate is through the roof. Try breathing at the top of rep and really using those hips to get the DB Overhead so you can save some shoulders for Burpees.