June 2018 Newsletter
As we enter the final days of another school year and our CrossFit families contemplate where the time has gone, we reminisce on all our recent community events; CrossFit bowling nights and of course the all-so-impressive 24 Heroes in 24 Hours event. A BIG thank you to all of the Athletes that came out to support and celebrate with the community, we all got to know each other a little better outside of the Box.
As the summer of 2018 kicks off, Merrilee and I wanted to take this opportunity to update everyone on the program changes and facility upgrades that are already underway. So scroll down and check out the amazing things coming to The Main Line CrossFits.
Yours in fitness,

Moving weight is a huge part of the fitness lifestyle. Like moving the anchor into the sea, the anchor symbolizes moving weight.
Pre Order Now, arrives July
Sizes are limited

FREE Rowing Clinic
Hosted by NCAA crew Athletes
6.26.18 Wayne 8:30pm 6.27.18 Ardmore 8:30pm

“It’s not the length of life but the depth”. This classic tee & tank takes on a new twist with this CFML summer design.
Pre Order Now, arrives July
Sizes are limited

Thanks for making the event a great success!
20+ participating Boxes around the world!

Overall points leaders posted this week!

2018 CrossFit Kids
Summer Session
90 minute classes
Register Here

Join the community the first Friday of every month for Happy Hour at the Box!
Next Date: June 29, 5:30pm
(pushed up 1 week due to July 4th Holiday)

4 Week Summer Slim Down
June 18 – 24
We Guarantee Your Results or Your $$$ Back!
Refer a Friend

100+ Athletes participated in the quarterly re-test day
Next re-test day scheduled for September.