Weekly Programing Breakdown 7.2.18 – 7.8.18

CrossFit Main Line
Weekly Programing Breakdown
7.2.18 – 7.8.18

This week has a slightly different breakdown to account for the holiday hero workout, so you’ll see two low demand workouts the day before and the day after. The remainder of the week remains consistent in terms of intensity. We’ll perform a new benchmark workout “Gun Show,” which has a bench press in it.


Overhead Squat 3RM (last done 1/29)

Hang Power Snatch EMOM (Final Week)

Sumo Deadlift against a band (Week 2 of 3)


Deadball V2 (Last done 1/29)

Hot Shots 19 (1st time. Hero WOD for 4th of July)

Gun Show (1st time)


Make sure to pay attention your pacing. Pacing recommendation are listed in the intent. Also, don’t forget to include “Extra Credit” work. This work will be the game-changer for continual progress.


Educating our Athletes is one of the most important things we do. Our Coaches and staff spend countless hours ensuring each class is the best hour of your day. Retaining the information is more important than just hearing it. Give us 5min of your time during the movement demo to make a difference in your approach.