Wednesday 7.4.18 Endurance WOD

Box Brief:
Week of July 4th Holiday Hours
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10 inchworms
10 squats
100 m jog


4th of July!
Happy 242nd BDAY, USA!!1776 AMRAP!
24 box jumps
2 burpees
24 jumping pull ups
2 burpees
24 KB swing
2 burpees
24 walking lunges
2 burpees
24 knee to elbows
2 burpees
24 push press- DB
2 burpees
24 wall balls
2 burpees

*** actually 30 AMRAP!

Absolute load of work here. it will be a long one, so the focus should be on staying consistent and even paced. The burpees will act a s a rest to reset yourself as you move into the next movement.