Monday 7.16.18 Endurance WOD


5 inchworms
10 scales
10 frankensteins,
4 rounds
10 squats-sprint length of gym-10 squats
10 high knees- sprint length of gym-10 high knees
10 butt kicks- sprint lengtyh of gym- 10 butt kicks


A.) EMOM x 25:
Min 1: 16 Alternating DB Snatch
Min 2: 30 Air Squats
Min 3: 200m Row
Min 4: 15 Russian KB Swings
Min 5: 12 Burpees
Mixing it up today with a challenging EMOM. Remember the goal is to work hard for 35-40s and be able to accumulate some rest. If you’re creeping into the 50s mark  look to scale back some numbers.