Spend 10:00 Practicing Pistols and Rope Climbs
100 Dubs
75 Calorie Row
50 Alt. DB Snatch (50,35)
Rx: (45,25)
L2: (35,20) (90s DU Attempts)
L1: (25,15) (200 Single Unders)
*Alternate Options
Rowing = 400m Run or 90s Bike or Ski Erg
Score = Smallest set of unbroken Dubs/SU
100 Dubs
75 Calorie Row
50 Alt. DB Snatch (50,35)
Rx: (45,25)
L2: (35,20) (90s DU Attempts)
L1: (25,15) (200 Single Unders)
*Alternate Options
Rowing = 400m Run or 90s Bike or Ski Erg
Score = Smallest set of unbroken Dubs/SU
Intent: We are looking to maintain a consistent effort around 75%. The goal is to focus on consistent DUB intervals, but today is NOT a sprint so don’t treat it as one.
6min Coach led mobility