Tuesday 8.21.18 Endurance WOD


Hamstring stretch
quad stretch
20 runners’ lunges
20 slow squats
20 light russsian swings


***when you finish going through once, go again
until time is up!
400 m run
50 squats
25 kb swings- American
400 m run
40 squats
20 kb swings- American
400 m run
30 squats
15 kb swings- American
400 m run
20 squats
10 kb swings- American
400 m run
10 squats
5 kb swings- American

This is for you, Doug Tilley

Intent: Constant steady pace is required to make it through this.
Catch your breath on the run and try to plow through the rest of the work.
The purpose of the warm up is to not only mobilize, but to familairize themselves with the moves


400 m walk to cooldown