10 inchworms
10 squats
10 lunges
100 m sprint
10 inchworms
10 squats
10 lunges
100 m sprint
400m Run
30 DB Renegade Row (15/Arm)
20 V-Ups
1 Wall Walk
Rest 1 minute- after the Time ends
x 6
400m Run
30 DB Renegade Row (15/Arm)
20 V-Ups
1 Wall Walk
Rest 1 minute- after the Time ends
x 6
The athlete will restart each workout at the beginning of a new amrap. Because we are looking at 5 minute amraps, the idea is that they are quick little workouts, so a consistent 80% pace throughout. This will be hard to maintain as the athlete will be fatigued.
core cooldown
20 partner ball pass sit ups
20 partner ball pass russian twist
:20 plank hold
x 2
20 partner ball pass sit ups
20 partner ball pass russian twist
:20 plank hold
x 2