Tuesday 9.4.18 CrossFit


Superset as EMOM 6
Banded Facepull 3×15
OH Banded Tricep Extensions 3×25


Strict Pull-ups (3xMax Reps, 2min Rest b/t)
*Strict Band Assisted Pull-up
-Rest 3min-

Beginner: Partner Assisted: 3 x 5. Rest 90s.
Intent: Today we’ll perform 2 sets of max reps pull-ups. The 3 minutes rest between sets is so you can come close to repeating your effort.


40 Double Unders
30 Abmat Sit-ups
20 Calorie Row
10 Hang Power Cleans (135,95)
– 4min Rest –
Repeat For Time

Rx: (115,75)
L2: (60s DU Attempts) (18/15 Cal Row) (95,65)
L1/Endurance: (40 SU) (15/12 Calorie Row) (R. Swings 55,35)
Sub 20 Cal Row For: 15 Cal Bike or Ski Erg or 200m Run

Intent: Find a pace around 80% today to sustain for the AMRAP. Work on the AMRAP should be smooth with your rowing intervals today ie. consistent drive/recovery phase. Goal of the day is to complete all Hang Power Cleans UB. After the 4min rest the chipper is then to be completed from top to bottom for time. This is your opportunity to push your anaerobic threshold!


5min Mobility with Coach