Monday 2.4.19 CrossFit

Box Brief

Box Brief: Level-Up Challenge Day 4 of 21

Pre-orders for Apparel: Are you a Lover or a Fighter?

Increase your strength, cardiovascular endurance and lose weight. Join our Level Up Challenge, February 1-21
TWO-A-DAY workouts on Monday – Wednesday – Friday
Learn More

Session ‘A’

Banded Sumo Deadlift 1RM

Intent: Maximal Variation with accommodating resistance to speed recovery. All sets are singles, no TNG.


45 Deadlifts

30 Hang Power Cleans

15 Squat Cleans

Intent: The goal with this piece is to focus on being efficient with the barbell and strategy as it’s easy to overshoot this one. Effort should be around 80-85% and loading should be heavy-ish for the squat cleans, likely a weight you’ll perform fast singles with.

Session ‘B’

Box Squat 3RM

Intent: Maximal Variation where stretch reflect and eccentric and concentric movements are broken by a stop to speed recovery. Traditional Box Squat; wide stance, below parallel

“Ring of Fire”


Overhead Squats

C2B Pull-ups

Last completed 7/31 Intent: Success on this workout looks like unbroken sets on the OHS and Pull Ups. Aim for a sustainable effort of 85 .A maximum of 2 sets should be the baseline for weight choice.


“I Got This Feeling”

45 KB Deadlifts

30 KB Swings

15 Goblet Squats

– At 10min Start –

10 Rounds

90s ON / 30s OFF

10/7 Cal Bike

10 DB Renegade Row

Max BD Thrusters

Intent : Challenge yourself on KB Weight, go for unbroken sets. Trying to shoot for roughly 1 minute of work and the rest accumulating Thrusters. Pace the bike/Rows just enough that you can move right into thrusters.