Monday 2.11.19 CrossFit

Box Brief

Box Brief: 2/16 Valentine’s Day WOD Sat. 2/16

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Session ‘A’

Back Squat 5RM

Intent: Build to a 5RM over the course of 4-6 sets. Shoot for 85% of your current 1RM for your last set of 5.

3MOM x 5

2 Rounds

10 Overhead Squats

10 Box Jumps

Intent: Todays metcon is reminiscent of CrossFit Open 14.2/15.2 and will be more challenging than you expect. The loading should be manageable for unbroken sets. Aim for 30+ seconds of rest each round.

Session ‘B’

Deadlift – Blocks 3RM

Intent: Build to a 3RM deadlift, elevated just below knee height. Focus on quick hip extension at the top end. Shoot for 100%+ of your conventional DL


ODD Min: 10 Deadlifts

EVEN Min: 10 Burpees Over Bar


3MOM x 5

2 Rounds

10 OHS

10 Box Jumps

– 5min Rest –

10 Rounds

300/200m Row

15 Sit Ups

10 DB Bent Over Row, 5ea

Intent : Higher target on upper body/core today. The Rounds should have a strong 85% Push, and then good focus on Form and technique when it comes to the Rows.