Tuesday 2.12.19 CrossFit

Box Brief

WEATHER DELAY, TUESDAY 2/12/19: First Class 9:30am

Box Brief: 2/16 Valentine’s Day WOD Sat. 2/16


3MOM x 5

1a) Strict Chin-ups 5 x 5

1b) Reverse Grip Banded Pushdowns 5×20

Intent: Your strength work is done in a superset fashion and should be challenging today. Take at least 1 set to warm-up before starting your work sets


For Time:

100 pullups

100 pushups

100 situps

100 air squats

Intent: The volume of work is high so pace yourself accordingly so you do not hit failure. Effort should be around 75%.


3MOM x 5

1a) Strict Chin-ups 5 x 5

1b) Reverse Grip Banded Pushdowns 5×20

Intent: Your strength work is done in a superset fashion and should be challenging today. Take at least 1 set to warm-up before starting your work sets


For Time:

100 pullups

100 pushups

100 situps

100 air squats

Intent: The volume of work is high so pace yourself accordingly so you do not hit failure. Effort should be around 75%.