Wednesday 2.13.19 CrossFit

Box Brief

Box Brief: 2/16 Valentine’s Day WOD Sat. 2/16

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TWO-A-DAY workouts on Monday – Wednesday – Friday
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Session ‘A’

Close Grip Floor Press 3RM

Intent: Shoot for your previous 1RM for 3 reps. set a game plan to achieve a 3RM without failure.

“Everything I got”


15 Hang Power Cleans

– 1min Rest –

30 Cal Row

– 1min Rest –

60 Double Unders

– 1min Rest –

Intent: All three of these movements will likely be in the open this year. The scheduled work rest intervals should allow you to push for quality unbroken sets. Effort should be around 80%.

Session ‘B’

Snatch 3RM

Intent: 3RM as clusters, not TNG. Shoot for your previous 2RM or 90% of your 1RM

“Wind Of Change”


Alt. DB Snatch

Handstand Push Ups

– Then –


Alt. DB Snatch

50′ HS Walk

Intent: The DB snatch and handstand walk were introduced to the Open in previous years and are likely to return. This workout is reminiscent of 18.4 and equally demanding with the addition of a dynamic global movement, the snatch.



15 DB Hang Power Cleans

– 1min Rest –

30 Cal Row

– 1min Rest –

60 Double Unders (x2)

– 1min Rest –

– After AMRAP 20 –

– 5min Rest –

Every 2min for 8 Rds

30 Dubs/Singles

20 Air Squats

10 Russian Swings

Intent: This interval has the work and rest block as one. Which means we are shooting for 1-1:15 of work so a little bit of rest is achieved. If it ends up taking longer, then be sure to scale back some numbers.