Friday 2.15.19 CrossFit

Box Brief

Box Brief: 2/16 Valentine’s Day WOD Sat. 2/16

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Session ‘A’

20 Seated Jumps at maximum height.

Take 3-5 jumps to find max comfortable height and perform 20 jumps at that height.

Banded Sumo Deadlift 10×2

Intent: Week 2, loading should only be 5% heavier and allow for perfect/fast sets. These are clusters, not TNG.

AMRAP 12 of 18.1

8 Toes-to-bars

10 Dumbbell Hang C&J

14/12-Cal Row

Intent: a shorter version of CF Open WOD 18.1. Unlike the 20min version where split begin to increase, the goal today is to maintain split times for 12min. 12min will mots likely be 2min longer than you are comfortable holding consistent splits, so push yourself to stay consistent.

Session ‘B’

20 Seated Jumps at maximum height.

Take 3-5 jumps to find max comfortable height and perform 20 jumps at that height.

Box Squat 10×2


150 Wall-Ball Shots, 20# / 14#

Intent: Try to beat your previous time. Have a plan before starting on how to partition sets



8 Toes-to-bar

10 DB Hand Clean & Jerks

14/12 Cal Row

– 5min Rest –

100 Burpees to a 6″ Target

EMOM: 5KB High Pulls + 5 Sit Ups

Score = time on 100 burpees

Intent: Grind time! This will be a tough challenge, try to keep your EMOM work performs right at the top of the minute to allow for the most Burpee time. I recommend taking a full minute off if you feel like you’re really struggling and/or falling behind so you can reset. Get after it!