Sunday 2.17.19 CrossFit

Box Brief

Box Brief: CrossFit Open Starts in 5 days!


Push Press 6×3

Intent: Today we’ll start a new cycle for the push press. All sets should be fast/aggressive

“The Human Highlight Reel”

25 Box Overs

50 Lunges (L+R=2)

25 T2B

25 Box Overs

25 T2B

50 Lunges (L+R=2)

25 Box Overs

–3min Rest–

50 Cal Row Sprint

Intent: The goal today is to sustain a consistent, but slower pace for part 1 of the workout (around 75% effort.)



5 Rounds

40s Wall Sit

20 Lateral DB Jump Overs

10 DB Thrusters

– 30s Rest –

40s Hang From Rig

200/150m Row

10 V-Ups

– 30s Rest –

40s Max Cal Bike

20 Air Squats

10 Supermans

– 30s Rest –

Intent : We want an intense effort reaching 90% for that 1x through each segment leading into a rest block. There’s still a lot of work, so sustainability should still be at the forefront.