**Ardmore – Sunday 7:30am class starts 3/10/19**
ODDs: OLY GOAT x 30-40s of Practice
EVENs: Gymnastics GOAT x 30-40s of Practice
800m Run
21 DB Snatches Right (55,35)
21 DB Snatches Left
400m run
15 DB Snatches Right
15 DB Snatches Left
200m Run
9 DB Snatches Right
9 DB Snatches Left
**20min time cap
Front Rack Carry: AMRAP 5 of max 100 Ft. Trips, AHAP.
– Skill: There are two different barbell warm-ups today to prepare for some people choosing to work on the snatch as well others that choose the clean/jerk. Athletes have the choice of focusing on one Oly movement and one gymnastics movement. This work should allow people to reinforce good movement patterns; loading/volume should not be a concern. This EMOM 12 does NOT include warm-up/practice sets. Coaches keep in mind we have a very hip-dominant day scheduled tomorrow so nothing here should fatigue peoples posterior chain too much.
– Metcon: Today’s Metcon can be as hard as Athletes would like it to be; they can pace their run around 75% and work on sustaining that pace for all sets. Athletes need to listen to their bodies and pace based on how they’re feeling. Keep in mind, we have some tough training scheduled for tomorrow.
5 Rounds
20 DB Snatch Alternating
30 Jump Lunges (15/leg)
20 Calorie Assault Bike
500/400m Row
*REST 2:30 Between Rounds
* 40min time cap
Intent : We want to see consistent efforts here from the athletes. Make sure they know we are looking for more equal split times so to hover around that 80-85% effort range. They should be shooting for 4:30-5:30 per round. If they creep close to or over 6min then look to scale back some reps. DB Snatches should be “unbroken”.