Box Brief
May Programming Breakdown
Help us identify busy class times.
Advanced sign into class, 100% required.
20 Min. in teams of 2:
10 Min. of Max Distance of Farmer Carry
10 Min. of Max Distance Plate OH Walking Lunge
Happy Birthday to our May Athletes!
5 Minutes of Max DB Man Makers
5 Minutes of Max KB Get Ups
Rx+: Max TGU(55,35) instead of ‘Get Ups’
5 Minutes of Worlds Greatest Stretch
20/15 Calorie Row
15 DB Push Press
10 DB Burpee Box Step-Overs
3 Rounds, AFAP but NFT
10 Hanging Knee Raises
10 Alternating 1-Arm DB Strict Press
10 Weighted Sit-Ups
– Strength: The purpose of the session is to work on strengthening the posterior chain as well as grip strength – not forget the lateral flexion component of a heavy farmer carry (core control.) This will be done with a partner in an effort to allow Athletes the ability to utilize built-in rest so they can sustain themselves but also make this work easier from a logistics standpoint. We are looking for consistent sets and small bouts of recovery for the entire 20 minutes. Going for distances that take roughly 30 seconds to complete is what we’re looking for today – for most 150-200 feet. Athletes heart-rates should be elevated around a level comparable to a 5k jog (130-150BPM) but for more deconditioned athletes it could be higher.
– Metcon: We’ll finish with the Man Maker and Turkish Get-up or Get Up, 5-minute AMRAP for each. Unconventional work like this always challenges people in a new and elicits big spikes in heart-rate which is what we are looking for. This will be a nice way to compliment what we’ve already done. Remember, this work is beneficial for EVERYONE, even if a Wednesday is someones main training day – Athletes often don’t like the work that they need most.
– Metcon: We’ll finish with the Man Maker and Turkish Get-up or Get Up, 5-minute AMRAP for each. Unconventional work like this always challenges people in a new and elicits big spikes in heart-rate which is what we are looking for. This will be a nice way to compliment what we’ve already done. Remember, this work is beneficial for EVERYONE, even if a Wednesday is someones main training day – Athletes often don’t like the work that they need most.