Monday 6.3.19 CrossFit

Box Brief

Don’t miss out!
21 Day Summer Slim Down Special, starts June 9
Custom Workouts & Nutrition for 79



1 Power Snatch + 3 Overhead Squat
Build to Heavy


“The Departed”
2 Rounds
In a 5 Minute Window:
500m Row
Max Squat Snatches
– Rest 5min –


Single Leg Glute Hip Thrust w. 5 second hold: 3 x 5



Minute 1: 16 Alt. Hang DB Snatches
Minute 2: 40s Dbl KB Front Rack Hold
Minute 3: 12 Dbl KB Suite case Hold Step Ups
Minute 4: 1:00 Sit Ups
Minute 5: Rest ​


– Strength: Today the goal is to build over the course of 6-7 sets to a heavy set of 1 Power Snatch + 3 Overhead Squats. This can be a near maximal set or done for technique. This should prepare you for the Metcon. If you are not yet proficient with the Power Snatch + OHS simply perform triples with the OHS or sub another scaling option like a Front Squat. This was last tested on 1/7.
– Metcon: This workout is meant to be done at maximal effort, 95-100%! That means that you MUST choose a load that they can move quickly/efficiently OR  opt for the alternate movement i.e. Thrusters or Power Snatch (no squat.) No one should be over pacing/redlining this so make sure you are warm before starting the clock. This was last tested on 1/7.