Box Brief
InBody Composition Scans this weekend!
Don’t miss out!
21 Day Summer Slim Down Special, starts June 9
1: Front Box Squat 8 x 2
2: Max Distance Broad Jump
“Bubble Butt”
For time:
100 Double Front Rack Walking Lunges
Reverse Hypers: 3 x 30
GHD Back Raises: 3 x 30
Banded Goodmornings: 3 x 30
“Pearl, June Birthday WOD”
0:00 – 10:00
Teams of 2
10 Banded KB Swings
10 Cal Row
10:00 – 30:00
15,12 Cal bike
20 KB Snatch
40 Goblet Squats
15,12 Cal bike
20 KB Snatch
40 Goblet Squats
15,12 Cal bike
20 KB Snatch
40 Goblet Squats
30:00 – 35:00
Solo, Max Distance KBs Front Rack Carry
35:00 – 40:00
Easy Bike or Row
5 Minutes of Parasympathetic Breathing after class
– Strength: Week 3 (final week) of Front Box Squats. All sets should be executed fast and with great technique. There should be zero hesitation coming off of the box – You should be able to essentially explode coming off the box. Make sure you are not shifting to your toes during the concentric phase of the lift. We’ll then culminate our dynamic effort training with 3 standing broad jump attempts. This is a great test of explosiveness that we test every 4-6 months. An NFL RB will typically be around 10+ft.
– Metcon: Do not underestimate this workout. Choose a weight that is challenging, but keep in mind that this workout is going to become very challenging after the first 50 reps – up to the first 50 reps will be pretty manageable but sets will start to get smaller thereafter. Your core and legs will both be on fire. They should have a goal to complete sets of 14-20 reps at a time – I’d opt for sets of 14 (7 each) from the very beginning and stay with that strategy until the workout is complete.