Box Brief
“Catch & Release”
On the 4:00 x 5 Rounds:
50′ Double DB Front Rack Walking Lunge
21/15 Calorie Row
12 Kipping Handstand Push-ups
9 Deadlifts
“Catch & Release”
On the 4:00 x 5 Rounds:
20 Jumping Lunges Video
20 Hand Release Push-ups
20 Air Squats
20 Double Dumbbell Deadlifts
These rounds are ideally completed in 3 minutes or less, giving you at least 1 minute to rest
Your score is the slowest of the 5 rounds
With the score being the slowest of the 5 rounds, look to move at a strong and sustainable speed from the beginning
In a perfect world, your fastest and slowest rounds are within about 10 seconds of each other
Unbroken deadlifts and lunges are ideal throughout the workout
The first and last movements will be easier to gauge than the middle two movements, as there is rest before the lunge and after the deadlifts
If you see yourself breaking up the handstand push-ups at some point, a quick break early on may be best (6-6 or 7-5)
Look to keep the stroke rate lower and the power higher on the machine, as this allows for a good recovery and a strong drive
Men can aim to hold 1200+ calories per hour, while women can aim to hold 1000+
Your score is the slowest of the 5 rounds
With the score being the slowest of the 5 rounds, look to move at a strong and sustainable speed from the beginning
In a perfect world, your fastest and slowest rounds are within about 10 seconds of each other
Unbroken deadlifts and lunges are ideal throughout the workout
The first and last movements will be easier to gauge than the middle two movements, as there is rest before the lunge and after the deadlifts
If you see yourself breaking up the handstand push-ups at some point, a quick break early on may be best (6-6 or 7-5)
Look to keep the stroke rate lower and the power higher on the machine, as this allows for a good recovery and a strong drive
Men can aim to hold 1200+ calories per hour, while women can aim to hold 1000+
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