Box Brief
CrossFit Main Line News
Veterans Day Hero WOD Fundraiser forĀ 23rd Veteran
“Shot Caller”
5 Rounds
21 Wallballs
18 Alternating Dumbbell Power Snatches
15 Box Jumps
12 Toes to Bar
:: Alternate Variation ::
5 Rounds:
30 Air Squats
30 Sit-ups
30 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches
2020 Holiday Schedule
Free class pass for friend/family

Expect this workout to take between 18-25 minutes to complete
That is an average of 5:00/ round or 1:15/movement
See if you can complete each set of wallballs, dumbbell snatches, and toes to bar within 2-3 quick sets today
These sets are sustainable across the 5 rounds, keeps your rest time between sets short, and helps you start the next movement quickly
These manageable sets will also allow you to move through the box jumps with a steady intensity
When you know you only have to go complete 4 toes to bar after, you’re going to be able to move through the 15 reps at a faster pace
Choose the break-up options that will keep your rest between sets to under 10 seconds
Become an active participant in your health.
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