Thursday 11.26.20 Thanksgiving Message

To Our CFML Community…

So…This year has kinda stunk! A record year for bad news, sleepless nights and general nauseam. For the worldwide CrossFit community it’s been especially tough; mandatory closures, re-opening, closures again, bad press (thanks to CrossFits former CEO) and fractured relationships with sponsors.

But…2020 has also given us a lot to be thankful for:

Mostly I’m thankful for my family and friends’ health; who have remained healthy through this pandemic.

I’m thankful for the resiliency of our coaches and community that have fought hard to keep us healthier, fitter, focused and together.

I’m thankful for the passion, leadership and instruction of our coaching team so that our community of friends can keep themselves fit at home when circumstances keep us from training in person.

I’m thankful for all of you, who continued to support and place your trust in CrossFit Main Line.

For the majority of this year, it’s been easy to default to an attitude of defeat. Writing 2020 off, focusing on the crisis and placing blame on the pandemic.

But at CrossFit Main Line we don’t play victim to circumstance or luck. We’re overcomers, fighters, step up all-dayers and burpee all-weekers, especially when it comes to a friend or community in need. We’re the one percenters, who stand up with cancer survivors, relationship rebuilders and weight losers. We’re there, welcoming whoever walks through our gym door. That’s CrossFit Main Line, that’s our community and that’s you.

If I can encourage you to do one thing today it would be to take a moment and remember what you are truly thankful for and of course to thank a gym owner or coach. And…If you’re crushing it solo in your garage, living room or local park, thank whoever inspires or who has helped you to get there.

I’ll start: Thank you to Coach Ray, Coach Chelsey, Coach April and Coach Betsy for throwing the game plan out the window, constantly pivoting, working 12+ hour days, for being there early, going back to the gym late and for doing whatever is needed to continue keeping us at CrossFit Main Line serving friends. And for never losing focus on the light at the end of the pandemic tunnel.

Thank you to our part time Coaches; Mark, Lea, Rand, Heather, Kelli, Kyle, Tressa, Cate, Matt and Mike who have worked hard to hold the community together. Consistently reaching out to our CFML friends, finding solutions, coaching (more than ever) and genuinely being positive in this new reality.

We are thankful for each one of you and wish everyone a happy, healthy and fit Thanksgiving.

🙏 Thank you 🙏

Daniel & Merrilee Davidson
Owners, CrossFit Main Line


Become an active participant in your health.

More present at home and improved relationships with a healthy outlet.

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