Power Snatch + OHS Complex
EMOM 10:
2 Power Snatches
1 Overhead Squat
“All That”
Power Snatches
Overhead Squats
50/35 Calorie Assault Bike
Power Snatches
Overhead Squats
:: Alternate Variation::
Single Arm Dumbbell Snatches
Single Arm Dumbbell Thrusters
After Each Round (5 Times):
60 Double Unders
2020 Holiday Schedule
Free class pass for friend/family

This pieces is intended to take around 12-18 minutes to complete
With the same amount of barbell work on either side, let’s look to maintain a similar time for the first 90 and last 90 reps
Pace on the bike that allows you to re-create your effort on the back half
With the power snatches coming back to the ground anyways, that is likely the best place to break
See if you can hold on for larger sets of overhead squats
Breaking the overhead squat excessively leads to more power snatches that don’t count towards your score
Become an active participant in your health.
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