HOLIDAY WODs & PARTIES 10 years ago we started a little tradition at CFML, book out a local bar, open the tab to our CrossFit community and get to know our friends a little better as we celebrate our success. Needless to say the events of the last 2 years have made this difficult. This is why we are pumped to bring back our CrossFit Holiday Party on December 3rd & 4th.
Join us as we celebrate our friendships, chat PRs and make memories.
Friday, December 3: CFML – Ardmore Holiday Party 8-10p Ripplewood Whiskey & Craft
Saturday, December 4: CFML – Wayne Holiday Party 8-10p La Cabra Brewery
Saturday, December 4: Hanukkah WOD, “8 Crazy Nights”
Saturday, December 18: Christmas WOD, “12 Days Of Christmas”
Thanksgiving Holiday Schedule
Wed. Nov. 24 – 5:45a, 7a, 9:30a Only
Thurs. Nov. 25 – Open Gym
Fri. Nov. 26 – Open Gym
Sat. Nov. 27 – Normal schedule resumes.
Wed. Nov. 24 – 5:30a, 6:30a, 9:30a Only
Thurs. Nov. 25 – Open Gym
Fri. Nov. 26 – Open Gym
Sat. Nov. 27 – Normal schedule resumes
Mon: Power Snatch, 3rm. “I Got Options” 9-6-3 Power Snatches, Burpee Box Jumps. 12-9-6 Power Snatches, Box Jump Overs
Tues: “Turn & Burn” 3rds 15 Dubs, 15 HSPU –> 400m Farmers Carry –> 3rds 45 Air Squats, 15 DB STOH
Wed: “No Shoes, No Shirt, No Problem” 4k Bike, 2k Row, 100 T2B
Thurs: “Skills That Kills” 5rds 1min each, HS Walk, Pistols. “Lets Stay Together” AMRAP 12 200m MB Run, 15 Burpees
Fri: Weighted Ring Dips + L-Sit. “Ring Pop” AMRAP 13, 3 Ring Dips, 30 Dubs, 3 DB Snatches, ++
Sat: “Addition By Subtraction” Teams of 3, 1000m Run, 30 Bar MU, 50 Hang Power Cleans
Stuff your coach is reading, hearing, watching, using or buying
OPEN GYM…Coach Chelsey’s workout of the week
Every 5min for 4rds: 400m Run, 20 Alt. DB Snatches (25,35,45,50), 20 Cal Ski Erg
*DB weight increase every round
UNLOCK…Your stiff lats. Thanks a lat for this
Feel restricted in overhead movements? Take this quick 20-second test to see if your lats are hindering you, and get the move you need to incorporate to get a deep stretch in them.
IS IT TIME… Experiment with your squat stance? Improving your squat stance
Wider, narrower, heels out, knees out. Maybe it’s time to experiment with your squat stance. At a recent Level 1 Certificate Course, Seminar Staff Head Trainer Santiago Callejas explains how and why.
MAKE SOMEONES DAY: CFML is giving away 100 FREE drop-ins!
Spread that Philly Love, Claim a FREE workout for a friend
KNOW… The good, the bad, the ugly of wearable teach. Getting to know you
Wearable tech is here to stay. However, there are some disadvantages to recording every tiny detail of your body. Knowing where to pay attention to improve your recovery is vital, so watch and learn what you should be paying attention to as a CrossFitter.
WATCH… The purpose of a warm up
We need a warm-up that will increase body temperature and heart rate, provide some stretching, stimulate the entire body and major biomechanical functions, provide practice for basic movements, and finally, prepare for rigorous athletic training.
CLICKBAIT… A 105-year-old sprinter is unsatisfied with world record dash.
FIX.. The most common issues with cleans. It’s the little things
Bring your shoulders back, and keep them over the bar, but don’t lean too far…shoulders can be confusing in cleans. Get the ultimate cue for getting your shoulder position correct and discover exactly where they should align to the bar.