CROSSFIT, THE UNIFIER? “Leave your ego (and your politics) at the door.” One of the things I’m most grateful for over the past 21 months, is how well our community has come together and created a near “normal” environment for fitness and socializing. When we walk under that big, roll-up garage door, we put aside our differences and set our minds upon the task at hand: the workout of the day. And when the workout is over, we take a walk outside together, as teammates who fought side-by-side to overcome a very difficult physical and mental challenge – a battle. We trade workout stories and compliment each other’s performances. We recognize effort, and that is all.
In one hour at CrossFit, nothing else matters – not politics, not religion, not social media, nor current events. It is the best hour of the day.
Friday, December 3: CFML – Ardmore Holiday Party 8-10p Ripplewood Whiskey & Craft
Saturday, December4: CFML – Wayne Holiday Party 8-10p La Cabra Brewery
Mon: Strength – Power Snatch, “ScareFace” 3 x 2rds 8 Power Snatch + 8 Burpees, *decrease weight each 2Rds
Tues: “Dead Inside” 55 Deadlifts, 55T2B, 55 Box Jumps, 55 DB Push Press
Wed: “Change Of Plans” 3 x AMRAP 5, 50′ DB Lunges, 12 Bar MUs, 9 DB Hang Power Cleans
Thurs: “Hands Team” AMRAP 20, 200m Run, 40 Dubs, 2 Rope Climbs
Fri: Strength – Clean & Jerk, “Monsters Inc” AMRAP 6 Clean 7 Jerks, AMRAP 6 Bike Cals, AMRAP 6 Wall Balls, AMRAP 6 Bike Cals, AMRAP 6 Build to heavy Clean & Jerk
Sat: “8 Crazy Nights” 8rds, 8 Wall Balls, 8 T2B, 8 Front Squats, 8 Burpees, 8 Power Snatches, 8 KBS, 8 Goblet Squats, 8 Box Jumps
“Turkey Day Massacre” For Time: 10 OHS, 20 Thrusters, 30 Wall balls, 40 Ring Dips, 50 DUBs, 50 Pull Ups, 40 Power Cleans, 30 KBS (55,35), 20 Push Jerks, 10 Back Squats, 400m run with the barbell. Men – 95#, Women – 65#
Some advice from Coach Jenna: “Don’t peacock the thrusters and wall balls. They are low numbers, but they catch up to you during the back half.”
Stuff your coach is reading, hearing, watching, using or buying
The 2022 NOBULL CrossFit Open Starts in 100 Days. The worlds largest participatory event
FIX…The Stripper Squat or good morning fault, is a common problem for many lifters. Leave the stripping to the professionals
LEARN… Got a weird noise in one of your joints? We mean, yeah, you probably do. Not an endorsement by Rice Krispies
WHY PICKELBALL is blowing up!
WORKOUT THAT LEAVE YOU GASPING FOR AIR. Why I can’t quite extreme workouts.
LEARN…Five Signs You’re Not Eating Enough. Feeling sluggish? Headaches? Not performing in your WOD? Food is fuel.